Dr. Sardar Baniul Ahmed is a renowned oncologist doctor in Bangladesh.
Dr. Sardar Baniul Ahamed > Our Services


Our Services After Treatment

Our support services include a wide range of educational materials and events to help cancer patients and their loved ones. They include support groups, classes, conferences and library of resources with the latest information for your particular type of cancer. Please read about each service to view the locations it is offered.


Support Groups and Workshops

A variety of support groups and workshops are available at the Abramson Cancer Center to help cancer patients and their families.


Spiritual Care

Chaplains and pastoral care are available at the Abramson Cancer Center to help you with your spiritual needs.


Nutritional Counseling and

Nutritional counseling by registered dietitians is available for all patients being treated for cancer at the Abramson Cancer Center.


Patient and Family

Counseling provides cancer patients and their families support, coping techniques and interventions that help patients regain a sense of well-being.


Oncology Navigators

Our navigators help patients and their families by guiding them through the steps and decisions that are involved in a cancer diagnosis and treatment plan.


Oncology Social Workers

Oncology Social Workers provide support to patients, families and caregivers who are dealing with cancer.


Palliative Care

Dr. sardar baniul Ahmed palliative care team works together with you and your family to manage symptoms, coordinate care and discuss your goals of care.


Quit Smoking While Facing

If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, and are having a difficult time managing tobacco, we can help.


Transportation to Cancer Appointments

Organizing transportation to cancer appointments can be difficult. Learn more about the resources available to our patients.